Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Fruit Infussed Water

Water is a big thing in our house.  I try to make sure that my whole family drinks enough of it, but let's face it sometimes water is boring.  Now I know that there are a ton of different water flavor mixes out there, but I am not a huge fan of artificial flavor.  This was one of the reasons that I started making my own flavored water and let me tell you my family can't get enough of them.

Okay, so let's face it, water is an essential part of human life.  Without it we die.  Sucks, but that is life.  So we all know that we have to drink more of it and this is just one way to do it.

Now I know that there are probably hundreds of different flavor combinations out there and probably more being made everyday.  That is the beauty of something like this.  There are NO rules and you don't have to be fancy about it either.  Just find what works for you.  Mix things up.  Make it totally unique.  As a family of five I can tell you that not all of us have the same tastes.  Some of us like it sweeter, while others like it more tart.

You don't have to get crazy buying fancy things either.  I have used everything from simple quart mason jars, to a personal infused water bottle, to a water infused pitcher.  It all depends on how much you want to make and whether or not everyone wants the same thing.

Lets start with the quart glass mason jars.  These are my hubbies favorite.  They are perfect for him to take with him to work and he will keep filling that jar up all day long.  His favorite is just plain orange.  I usually take one to two oranges, depending on the size of the oranges, and cut them into slices.  Then just simply add to the jar and fill with water.  It is best to let the fruit infuse in the water over night for the best results.  He really likes it this way and I know that he is at least drinking more water.  Just be careful, the jars are glass and can break.  I don't recommend this with small kids.

Now on to the personal infused water bottle.  I totally love this one and so do my two daughters.  They are always stealing this one from me.  I have one from Trim Evolution, and you can see my blog post on it here.  This is a fantastic way to bring your water with you anywhere you go without fear of breaking glass.  What I do for this is simple cut up whatever fruit I have on hand into smaller pieces and place in the filter, then place the filter in the bottle and fill with water.  Again I recommend letting it sit as long as possible for better results.

Lastly, but by no means the least, is the water infused pitcher.  Again I love this product for the simple reason that I can make a lot of infused water at one time.  The one that I have is from Amazing Home & Family and you can again see my blog post on it here.  Again simple cut whatever fruit you want into pieces and placed in the filter, then place the filter in the pitcher and add water.  Again I recommend letting the water sit to infuse better. 

So whether you like a lot or a little, trying making some of your own infused water.  Not only is it better for you than the imitation stuff out there, but it is a great way to make a little change in the bigger picture.  There are a TON of websites out there that have any number of different varieties and combinations of not only fruits but herbs as well.  Different combinations for sleep, health, and energy just to name a few. 

Find what works for you and go after it.  Use what's in season to make even more flavors.  Remember it is not about what quantity, it's about quality! 

Little changes lead to Big changes and that's what this year is all about!!

Happy Drinking and ENJOY!!  


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