Sunday, July 31, 2016

Product Review: 3 Keliwa Silicone Muffin & Cupcake Baking Pan

Okay, so I know that I have not written a post in a LONG time, but as many of you know life got in the way.  I know that it is a poor excuse, but it is the truth.

It has been crazy here at the Hunsinger house hold.  Kids have us going in a hundred different directions, and then there is my husband who is like a giant kid and me trying to keep us all together.  So yeah, hobbies are not a top thing at the moment, but all that changed when I got this bad boy in the mail.

So as part of the agreement, I received this Silicone muffin pan in the mail to try out.  I will not lie to you, I was very skeptical about using silicone.  I have had some bad experiences with silicone, mostly with a film like coating that seems to linger on both the pan and my baking, but I was willing to give it a shot.

I was debating on what to make, and I thought well why not cupcakes!!  As everyone knows, I LOVE cupcakes and this was a cupcake pan, so chocolate cupcakes it was.

I followed the simple instructions that came with the pan, washing it first and then spraying lightly with cooking spray for the first use.  I made my cupcakes and baked.

The first thing I noticed when the cupcakes were done, was that all of the cupcakes looked perfectly even and did not have that bumpy look to their tops.  This was a plus!!

All of the cupcakes baked very nicely and when a toothpick was inserted it was perfectly clean.  Plus number two.

I let the cupcakes cool for about 10 minutes and when that time was up I flipped the muffin pan over onto a cookie sheet and ALL of my cupcakes fell out!!  HUGE plus!!!  This has been a problem with other silicone pans so I was very excited to see this.

 I loved that the cupcakes did not have any film on them from the pan, and when I was cleaning up afterwards, I noticed that not only did the pan clean up super easy, but there was no film on the pan either.  That is another huge plus!!

This 3 Keliwa Silicone Muffin & Cupcake Baking Pan made a believer in me and I really do love having it.  My only complaint is that I only got one!!

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review for the company.  My opinions are strictly my own and do not reflect that of the company or product.  


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