Thursday, November 30, 2017

Product Review: Cave Tools Vegetable Basket

Living in NEPA means that during the winter, days are short, nights are long and we have more cold days then hot.  This being said, my hubby and I love to try and grill all year round.  I know that it sounds crazy, but really why not?  So you stand out in the cold and sometime dark, but the meal is well worth it and that is why I am here to tell you about a new gadget that I got just for my grill.

The wonderful people at Cave Tools have graciously given me another chance to try one of their fine products.  This time I got to try their Vegetable Basket and let me tell you I am in heaven.

This product lets me grill my favorite veggies with very little fuss and no worries about them falling into the grill. 

I love grilled vegetables, but I hate having to figure out how to grill them.  I have used disposable foil pans, but I hate that I then have waste (meaning the pan), tin foil works, but I always seem to punch holes in it, and I am not a fan of HUGE slices of veggies so that was out too.  I have tried other grill baskets, but I have always had to line them with foil since the holes were to big.  This basket is perfect in the sense that the holes are small enough that my veggies didn't fall through,

I had used what veggies I had on hand, which was only peppers and onions, but still that was good.  I prepped them ahead of time and then sprayed the baskets with a bit of cooking spray, because let's face it it can't hurt.  Taking everything out to my grill, I placed the basket down and loaded the veggies in.

I was really surprised at how well everything fit and how I could spread them out for better cooking.  LOVED this!!

I let the veggies cook to my desired crispness and then using pot holders (yes metal is HOT) I removed the grill basket and used a cookie sheet to carry it back into the house.  It really is the easiest way to do it.

So now that you can see how easy this basket is, let's talk about clean up.  I am a super busy mom of three and I can tell you that dishes and laundry are always present in my house.  That being said, I love that this product is dishwasher safe!!  That's right people, put it in your dishwasher and let them do the work for you!!  That's what I did.  I was very happy and surprised to see just how clean it came!  Thank you Cave Tools for that!!

What is also a neat thing about this basket is that it is not just for veggies.  This basket can be used for other things as well, such as fruit and shrimp.  Can't wait to try out some shrimp!!  The possibilities are endless. 

Oh yeah and before I forget you see the pork chops in the above picture?  I used my Cave Tools Grilling Tongs for them.  See my review post on them here.

Now I know that you want to know where you can get your very own veggie grill basket, and I  will do just that.  You can head on over to Cave Tools by clicking here and using Coupon Code: VEGGIE15 for Veggie Basket 15% Off.  You can also head on over to Amazon and getting this product from there as well. 

For anyone who loves to grill, no matter the season, this is a great way to not only get more veggies into your diet, but also to enjoy your grill year round.

So remember that cooking is only limited to your imagination and no matter what GRILL year round!!  

Happy Grilling & ENJOY!!


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