Monday, August 7, 2017

Product Review: Cave Tools Grill Tongs

I have been very blessed to be able to yet again work with the wonderful people over at Cave Tools.  This time they have given me the opportunity to try and review their Grill Tongs!! 

Now let me tell you I was actually very excited to get these in the mail.  I know what you're thinking....what could possibly be exciting about grill tongs?  Oh my gosh people what could not be exciting about them??  The possibilities are endless!!
First off let me just tell you that grill tongs are NOT just for grilling!!  They are for a whole lot of things, including grilling.

For example.  When I received my grill tongs in the mail, my first thought was what am I going to make on the grill??  I mean who wouldn't, they're Grill Tongs PEOPLE!!  My second thought was how big of a box did they need to ship it in.  I'm telling you the shipping box was like four times the size of the actual box the tongs came in.  Talk about crazy. 

Anyway, once I got my tongs out of the major packing I was excited to get started using them. 

 I was very impressed with the size of the tongs.  I liked that they are longer than most grill tongs that you find in the store.  This makes for reaching food placed on the back of the grill sooooo much easier with less chance of getting burned and for someone who is little like I am this is always a problem. 

The large head clamps are perfect for any type and style of food.  I love the grip on the end of the tongs.  No worries about slipping or not having a good handle when using them.  They clip together for easy storage, which is a plus when you have limited space.  And they're dishwasher safe, every woman's dream.....easy clean up!!

Okay, so I was all ready to get grilling and get testing on this new product, so you know exactly what happened right??  Yes, that's rained!!!   And rained, and rained.  In fact the Northeast has been getting a lot of rain lately.  Go figure.  So, being a woman I always have a back up plan (well not really, but don't tell anyone!), and I decided to go with that instead.

I realized that grill tongs aren't just for grilling, they have many useful qualities.  Since grilling was out of the question for me, I went with another option.  I made Italian marinated chicken in the crock pot.

Now I know that you are wondering...what in the world I would use my grill tongs for when I made chicken in the crock pot??  Well I'm glad that you asked.

I used them to shred the chicken of course!!

These babies were amazing!!!!  The large head and multiple sides made shredding and picking up the chicken a breeze.  They were perfect for what I needed and no reason to use multiple utensils.  They were perfect!!

I know that it was not what I had envisioned for this review, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that having a product that can be used for more than one purpose is ideal.  I have a large family, so money can be tight and I can't always buy a huge amount of the latest and greatest gadgets.  Having one tool to do the job of many is way more to my liking and this product by Cave Tools does just that.

Oh, I can't wait to get them on the grill, but for now, household use is awesome as well!!  Trust me, when the weather breaks there will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and zucchini calling these tongs names!!
Now I know that you want to know where you can get your very own pair of the household wonders, and I  will do just that.  You can head on over to Cave Tools by clicking here and using Coupon Code: TONGS15 for Grill Tongs 15% Off.  You can also head on over to Amazon and getting a pair from there as well.

Remember that there are many ways to accomplish the same goal by just using your head once in awhile.

Happy Grilling/Cooking & ENJOY!!


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