Friday, June 26, 2015

Vanilla Vodka Chocolate Cherries

I truly have some of the most amazing friends!!  Not only are they inspirational, but they have become some of the best taste testers around!!  Take these beauties for example.  Vanilla Vodka Chocolate Cherries!!  These were a huge hit at my Book Club!!

Okay, so I know what you're thinking....Book Club???  Really?!?!  I know, I know, but we really did read an AMAZING book this last time called "I Heard You Paint Houses".  Let me just tell you, this book was the best history lesson I ever received, especially if you are from PA.  There is nothing like learning about the people and places around you then from hearing it straight from their mouths.  My mom grew up around this time and she said that reading this book brought back so many memories of what life was like back then.  She even remembered some of the places and names in the book.  

It's the story about Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran and the Inside Story of the Mafia, the Teamsters, and the Last Ride of Jimmy Hoffa.  A little before my time I know, but still a great book.  Who knew that the Mafia was so involved in EVERYTHING!!!  My book club, who is made up of my mom, sister, cousin, two very close friends, and myself all agree that it was one of the best books we have ever read.  Needless to say I am looking into more books on this topic, that's how good it was!

We started our book club about a year ago and we had really good intentions to read a book, but some months when we got together we made crafts, thanks to my mom, and some months we just sat around and talked, ate and drank wine.  It was a great way for us to get together and catch up on life!!  

At Christmas time my mom taught us all how to make candy cane ornaments, and another time we got together we arm knitted scarfs and read 50 Shades of Chicken!!  Great night!!  For cinco de mayo we at a bunch of Mexican food and drank margaritas!  We talk, we laugh, we live life, and occasionally we read a book along the way! 

We always snacked on different things we would each bring and just enjoy life.  These cherries were one such snack at our last get together.  I was looking for something new to try and asked the girls for some advice.  Never to let me down, Denise came through with this dish.  According to the recipe that she sent me, it looked like you were to use a jar of maraschino cherries, but me being me, I used fresh cherries!!  I think that these gave a more cherry taste than the maraschino, but by all means use whatever you like.  I also got lucky and happened to be making this recipe when cherries started to be in season.  

Here's what you need:
1 pound fresh cherries
Vanilla Vodka (I used Stoli Vanilla Vodka, because it's my favorite)
Chocolate buttons (I had yellow buttons on hand, but any color and flavor will work)

Rinse and drain the cherries and place in Tupperware container.  Add Vodka to cover and place in the refrigerator over night.  This was the cherries can soak up all the yummy flavor.

Remove from the fridge the next day and drain the cherries.  Pat dry with a paper towel.

Next melt the chocolate button according to package directions.  I did mine in the microwave for 30 seconds then stirred, then back in at 10 second intervals until melted.

If using the maraschino cherries make sure they have the stems attached to them.

Holding the cherries by the stem, dip them in the chocolate half way.  By all means, you can cover the whole cherry, but I only did half.  Once coated in chocolate, dip in sprinkles and set to dry on a cookie sheet lined with parchment or wax paper.  

Once set, enjoy!!

Now, my kids were dying to try these not knowing they were infused with alcohol.  So, I made some for them minus the alcohol.  Following the directions above just wash the cherries, dry and dip in chocolate and sprinkles.  

These are great for parties, an evening with friends, or Book Club!!  Just remember if you are making one with and one without alcohol, used different colored chocolate!!

Happy Baking and ENJOY!!



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