Saturday, February 28, 2015

Homemade Season Salt

So as many of you know I am a HUGE lover of homemade ANYTHING!!  And as some of you may know my kids and I did a homemade Christmas with regards to gifts for family and friends this year.  One of those gifts just happens to be this.......Homemade Season Salt.  Trust me when I tell you this stuff is AMAZING!!

Besides baking I love to cook, so when I found this homemade season salt I jumped at the chance to try it, and yes I try everything before I send it off out into the world. 

One of the reasons that I love this season salt so much, is because it contains all of the seasonings that I use on a daily basis.  I am always afraid that I use to much of one spice and not enough of another, and this mix eliminates this.  It is a perfect combination of all the spices and when used, you know you used just enough.  How much of it you use depends on you, but no matter what I will assure you that you will love it. 

I will tell you that the recipe called for red pepper flake, but I omitted this from mine.  Reason.......One I have kids who are not a huge fan of heat, and two, I don't always want whatever I am cooking to have heat.  Feel free to add it if you want, or omit it like I did, either way it is still awesome.

I know that once you make it, you are sure to keep it on hand.  My husband loved it so much that we made another one for him and spiced it up with extra seasonings that he likes when cooking burgers and steak.  That is one of the best things about this season salt, you can add, change, or omit one spice for another depending on what you like or what you use most.  Like I said we have two, one for steaks and burgers and one for just about anything else.  Give me time and I am sure that I will come up with more combinations.  

When ready to use, simply sprinkle in the amount that you need, or use a measuring spoon to get a more accurate measurement.  I tend to just pour a small amount into my palm and then disperse as needed.

So now, let's get started!!

Here is what you need:

1/2 cup Kosher salt
1 Tablespoon ground pepper
2 teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon red pepper (optional)
1/2 pint jelly jar

Mix the ingredients together and place in a labeled jar.


Happy Cooking & ENJOY!!!


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