Thursday, January 1, 2015

Caramel Popcorn


Looking for a last minute Holiday gift, or just something sweet to snack on?  Well, why not try some homemade Caramel Popcorn!!  This tasty treat is something that is worth sharing with family and friends.  It has everything you love, the crunchy popcorn mixed with sweet Caramel and if you like, you can add salty peanuts to the mix!!  Sooooo good.

I really do love this recipe and make it quite often.  I am a lover of popcorn and Caramel popcorn is one of my favorites.  There is just something about the sweet, sticky stuff that makes me crazy.  So when I discovered how to make it at home, you know that I jumped at the chance to do it. 

I first made this popcorn a few years ago and found out that it was a huge hit.  It is super easy to make and there can be a tons of different varieties of flavors and add ins to go along with it.

Chocolate, peanuts, sugar and salt, you name it and you can add to this basic recipe.  For anyone that loves popcorn, this is the recipe for you.

I like the fact that this recipe can be varied to how much Caramel you like or how much popcorn you want to use.  I will admit that I like that not every piece of popcorn is completely covered in the sticky sweet stuff.  I know that my hubby LOVES this treat and I catch him sneaking pieces in the middle of the night. 

I used air popped popcorn, do to the fact that I have an air popper that I LOVE!!  But you can use microwave popcorn as well, just don't use one with butter.  Plain popcorn works best.

Here is what you need:
1 bag Caramel about 50 pieces
3 Tablespoons butter
2 Tablespoons water
12 cups popped popcorn

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

Place caramels, butter and water in a sauce pan and cook on low heat until caramels are completely melted.  Remember to keep stirring. 

In a large bowl, combine popcorn and if you want any add ins like peanuts.  Drizzle the caramel mix over the popcorn and toss to evenly coat.

Spread the popcorn onto a generously grease cookie sheet.

Bake for 20 minutes, stirring after 10 minutes to cook evenly.

Cool completely and break into pieces.  Store in a covered container or pack into cute Holiday bags and give to family and friends.

Hope you have a wonderful and Happy New Year!!

Happy Baking and ENJOY!!


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