Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mandarin Orange Crush Cake

Family picnics are one of my favorite times of the year.  I love to get together with everyone and just enjoy being together, although good food never hurts.  So when my husband's uncle and soon to be aunt invited us to a Luau, I was super excited.  Not only do I love to hang out with them, but I knew that we were going to have some pretty amazing food.  My husbands uncle is a GREAT cook.  When I asked my aunt what she wanted me to bring, she asked if I could make some sort of dessert.  Of course I said yes!  Let the hunt begin!

Okay, so the party was a Luau, and I was on the hunt for a luau theme dessert.  A cake came to mind and I was pondering just what kind to make, when a friend of mine at work told me about a cake that they had made that sounded just right for my party.  In no time at all I had a new recipe in hand and was super excited to get started.

Now here is where my story goes a bit crazy.  This party happened to be on a Saturday, no big deal, until you factor in that my husband and I had a wedding to go to Friday night.  Again not really a big deal, but I started working part time, so I had to work Friday and was not going to get the head start on the cake that i was hoping to have.  I thought, well this is ok, I will just get up early Saturday and make the cake.  I can do this.  I should have known that this was the beginning of the crazies.

The wedding, by the way, was AWESOME Friday night and my husband and I got home not to terribly late, but late just the same.  Saturday morning I get up early and seeing as our kids were at my cousins house the night before, my hubby suggests we go to breakfast.  Perfect!  I can get the cakes baked and while we are out, they can cool and when we get home with the kids all I have to do is frost them and be done.  WRONG!

I do get the cakes baked and set them on my stove to cool.  My husband and I go out for breakfast and have a great time.  It is rare that we get out together much with 3 kids.  We go to my cousins to pick up the kids and talk for a bit to catch up with them.  We head back home and I am doing great.  I was excited to get the cakes finished, get the kids ready and head to the party.  That was until I walked in the door and noticed that one of my cats climbed on the stove and ate a giant hole in one of the cakes!  I almost stared to cry.  How could this happen??  The party starts a 2pm and now I have to start all over!  My husband tells me to calm down that it is going to be ok, but I am a nervous wreck.  This cake has to be perfect!

So off I go to Walmart to buy a new set of ingredients.  This is were I begin to kick myself, because I am the type of person who never just buys one of each thing.  When I make something I always buy at least 2 of everything just in case.  For some reason this time I did not and now I am rushing to the store to buy more.  After getting what I need I get back home and make yet another set of cakes.  Let them cool and frost them.  This cake needs to be refrigerated, so I stick in it and then get ready to go.  I am really upset, because it really needs more time in the fridge, but I have to go.  My husband ensures me that everyone is going to love it, but I want it to be perfect.

My husband is not coming with us, he was off the see a pre-season football game, so I got my oldest daughter to help me.  Once I get all the kids settled in the car I hand her the cake box and tell her that no matter what don't let the cake move.  Poor kid, talk about pressure.  Well, we get going and as we go around a turn she freaks out, because one of the layers slips off the other.  I am now officially done.  This cake has become the death of me.  Why does this cake not like me?!?!  We finally make it to the party and I am just ready to cry.  I feel like the world was against me and this cake.  We put it in the fridge at my uncles house and proceed to enjoy the great food and family that was all there.

Dessert comes up and with the help of my aunt, we get the layers back into place.  She is so excited about this cake and tells me how grateful she is that I made it for them.  I am upset, because it does not look perfect, but she says no one is going to be upset with me.  She slices it up and serves everyone, and guess what?  Everyone LOVES it!  My husband was right, no one cared that the layers had moved, or that because the layers had moved that the frosting was not perfect.  They thought that it was one of my best cakes and they even when back for seconds.  By the time the kids and I left the party there was none left and I was told that anytime I needed taste testers, they were all willing to help me out.  Man I love family.

Okay, so let's get on to the cake.

Here is what you need:
For the Cake you need:
1 box butter style yellow cake mix
1/3 cup oil (I use applesauce)
3 eggs
1 15oz can of mandarin oranges undrained

For the Frosting:
1 package of French Vanilla instant pudding
1 20oz can crushed pineapple, undrained
1 16oz container of Cool Whip
Shredded Coconut for garnish

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and grease three 8 or 9 inch cake pans.

Mix cake mix, oil or applesauce and eggs on low speed until blended.  Reserve a few oranges for garnish if you want, and then add the remaining oranges and the juice to the mixture.  Mix on medium speed for about 2 minutes.

Divide the cake mix evenly between the cake pans and back for 20-25 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean.

Allow the cakes to cool for 15 minutes and then remove from cake pan and allow to cool completely.
For the Frosting, blend the pudding and crushed pineapple together and set aside for 5 minutes.  Gently fold in the Cool Whip and spread evenly between each layer of cake.  Top with remaining orange slices and shredded coconut.

This cake should be refrigerated for a minimum of 4 hours, but over night is best.  Refrigerate any leftovers.

Happy Baking and ENJOY!!


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